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How I have my Quiet Time - Daily Devotional - What works for me

How I have my Quiet Time (Daily Devotional) What Works For Me

I’ve been walking with the Lord since my college days in 1999.  Early on I learned about Bible reading and prayer and how important they were for growing my faith.  

Pocket Prayer Notebook

I remember buying a small pocket notebook and writing my prayer requests there.  I would date them when I wrote them, and I would cross them off and date them when God answered that prayer.  It was very encouraging going through that notebook on a daily basis, updating it, adding new things to it, crossing requests off, and rewriting it.  

Color-Coding Scriptures

I also went through different phases of Bible reading.  At one time, I used to color-code highlight certain passages in the Bible.  That took more mental work, but it also sharpened my mind to look for God’s promises, or commands, or descriptions about God, or how to grow my personal faith, or learn how to evangelize and make disciples.  It was wonderful.

Bible Reading Plans

I also remember going through phases of simply reading the Bible.  At times it would be a chapter or five per day.  Other times it was for hours and hours.  One time I read the book of Psalms (all 150 chapters) in less than five days.  Another time it took me 150 days.  

Journals are Amazing

Today, I try to combine many of the things I’ve learned that help my walk with the Lord.  I’ll use my journal to share my thoughts and prayers with the Lord, and I intentionally pause to hear back from Him, as the Holy Spirit and His Word guides me.  Writing in a journal helps me stay focused.  When I wake up before the wife and kids to meet with the Lord in my quiet time, my mind still has a tendency to wander.  Turning on worship music beforehand while I’m making my coffee really help me focus on the presence of the Lord.

Bible Reading

I’ll then open up the Holy Scriptures and read the chapters for the day to finish the Bible in a year.  Sometimes I read the Proverb of the day or some passages that are in line with my sermon for that week, simply to deposit more of God’s Word in my heart.

Travel with God

Tour Host – Francois Carr, Executive Director of Heart Cry SA and and The Connected Life Ministries, speaker and author is an experienced group tour leader who has led more than 65 tours to the Biblical Lands, Britain and Europe. He will lead the group in short devotions from his latest book and teachings, The Connected Life which is based on the principles of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ as it relates to and impacts our lives today. There is a close bond between the missionaries of Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME), and Papua New Guinea.. The presence of the missionaries there came to an end in 1855, after the martyrdom of Blessed Giovanni Mazzucconi, to be resumed in 1981. Today there are 12 PIME missionaries in the country who have been joined by 28 Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.

keep it Flexible

I like to keep my devotional time with the Lord flexible.  At times I’m reading the Bible a lot.  Other times I’m journaling a lot.  And other times I just lay prostrate on the floor worshiping and weeping (or rejoicing) before the Lord.  And yet some times my mind is somewhere else and I feel like I was just going through the motions, following routine, and missing God entirely.  He knows it, and so do I.

Intentionally in God’s Presence 

Focusing on God’s presence is the best advice I can give when it comes to spending time with God.  The challenge, however, is when the devotional time is over, you should still remain in God’s presence throughout the rest of your waking hours.  As the family wakes up, and you go to work, as life happens, staying consciously aware and intentionally in God’s presence helps you to truly walk with Him.

Don’t Focus on the Details

The time of day to have your actual quiet time, or the details of what Scripture translation or chapters to read, or how to pray don’t really matter that much as long as you are able to center your life on the presence of God throughout the whole day.  For me, in the morning before life happens tends to work the best.  When I try to squeeze it in before I go to bed, it feels more like a task to get done and cross off a list rather than to pursue God with my whole heart.


My quiet time continues to evolve as I grow in my relationship with God.  And because it is a relationship, it’s dynamic.  The way I relate with God continues to grow according to my experiences and love for Him.  And I’m sure it will be the same for you.  Simply focus on getting into His presence, pursuing Him and His love, and do the fundamental disciplines (prayer, Bible reading, worship, etc).  And allow the leading of the Holy Spirit to build your relationship with God.


Have you tried any of my ideas?  Let me know what works for you.   I’m always open to learning from others.

Mark Bojovic

I'm a husband and father learning to thrive in Christ and helping others do the same. Christian missionary since 2007. Currently church planting in Montenegro.

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